Hotline also includes a check-in form feature for capturing visitor information. To activate a Hotline check-in form the Hotline's privacy needs to be set to 'Public'. Please note when a Hotline is set to 'Public' any one with the Hotline phone number can call and listen to the Hotline message, callers no longer need a PIN to listen to the Hotline message.
The following fields appear on the form and cannot be edited.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone Number
Also custom fields cannot be added to the check-in form.
Here is a list if editable items on the check-in form.
- Logo: A custom logo can be uploaded to the check-in form.
- Intro text: The into text will appear above the text fields.
- Message: A message text field can be enabled which allows visitors to enter a message when checking in using the form i.e. the purpose of the visit.
To enable any of the editable items please follow the below steps.
- Visit the Hotline dashboard.
- Then select the 'view' link for the Hotline you wish to edit the check-in form for.
- For the 'CHECK-IN FORM' section click on the pencil icon.
- Make the required changes.
- To upload a custom logo select the '+' icon in the logo section.
- Intro text is placed in the intro text field.
- Select either 'Yes' or 'No' depending if you want visitors to leave a message when checking in.
- Click the 'Update' button.
To view visitors who have checked in please follow the below steps.
- Visit the Hotline dashboard.
- Then select the 'view' link for the Hotline you wish to view the check-in form data for.
- On the Hotline Actions section select the 'Check-ins' tab.
From this section you will be able to see which visitors have checked in, leave internal notes against the check-ins and mark the check-ins as handled and/or flagged.