Any voicemails left by end users can be found within the Voicemail section of the Hotlines console by following the below steps.
- Visit the Hotline dashboard.
- Select 'Voicemail' from the left hand panel.
The System Voicemail section will display all voicemails collected by the Hotline console. Here is a brief description of what information/actions are located in this section.
- Caller: The number the caller used to dial the Hotline.
- Hotline: The name of the Hotline the user called.
- Country: The country the user dialled from.
- Called at: The time the user dialled the Hotline at.
- Voicemail: The recording of the voicemail will appear here. The following actions can be taken from this column.
- Play voicemail.
- Download voicemail.
- Attach an internal note.
- Handled: The person who is monitoring the voicemails can give a Yes or No answer to say whether the voicemail has been dealt with.
- Flagged: The person who is monitoring the voicemails can flag the voicemail.